Introducing: Argonauts Hub
A profile page for you to view and share your Argonauts collection with the #argofam
It has been awhile and the team is glad to kick of 2023 with the Argonauts Hub! 😍
What is it you ask?
To put it briefly, the Argonauts Hub is a personal, one-stop view of your entire collection and acheivements related to the Argonauts universe.
We’re creating a new social experience for the Argonauts ecosystem with the Hub — natively integrating Twitter and allowing users to show off their own personal collections
How will it work?
You’ll notice that there are a few parts to the collector’s page and each of them serve a purpose
Profile Overview
Right at the top of the page you’ll see the overview section. Over here you’ll be able to do a few cool things
- Get a brief overview on the number of items in the Argonauts collection that you own
- Set your favourite Argonaut on the main cover
- Set a new username for yourself based on the Cronos ID domain you own (Shout out to the Cronos ID team!)
- Connect your wallet address
- Connect your twitter handle (so everyone knows who this chad is)
On the collection segment, you’ll be able to show the world some of your most favourite Argonauts — choose wisely, this is what everyone will see and know you by!
Here is the exciting portion — There are emblems that can be earned and unlocked as part of your own collector’s page.
Some of these are as simple as owning an Argonaut, whereas others are slightly harder or complex, either requiring specific ownership or a series of factors
As the Argonauts universe begins to expand, so will the available emblems — all the better for the intrepid of you to show of your complete collection to the #argofam
Share your collection!
Add your custom link to your twitter profile, discord! Send it to your firends, other members of the #argofam and #crofam. Its all up to you to decide.
Phase 3
This is but the start, you’ll be hearing from us very soon 😏
Watch this space 🔥